Laundry Agreement Sample

When it comes to renting a property, it`s common for landlords to include certain agreements and clauses in the rental contract to protect their interests. One such agreement that has become increasingly popular in recent years is the laundry agreement.

The laundry agreement is a clause that specifies the terms and conditions for using the laundry facilities on the rental property. This can include the hours of operation, the number of loads allowed per week, and any additional fees for using the machines.

If you`re a landlord, it`s important to include a laundry agreement in your rental contract to ensure that your tenants understand the rules and limitations for using the laundry facilities. Here`s a sample laundry agreement that you can use as a starting point:

Laundry Agreement Sample:

1. The laundry facilities on the rental property are for the exclusive use of the tenants residing in the rental unit.

2. The laundry facilities are available for use between the hours of 8:00 AM and 10:00 PM.

3. Each tenant is allowed to do one load of laundry per week. Additional loads may be done for a fee of $5 per load.

4. The tenant is responsible for supplying their own laundry detergent, fabric softener, and any other necessary cleaning supplies.

5. The landlord is not responsible for any damage to the tenant`s clothing or other personal items that occur as a result of using the laundry facilities.

6. The tenant must clean the lint trap in the dryer after each use to prevent fire hazards.

7. The tenant must report any damage to the laundry facilities to the landlord immediately.

8. Failure to comply with this laundry agreement may result in the termination of the tenant`s lease.

It`s important to note that this is just a sample laundry agreement and you may need to customize it to fit the specific needs of your rental property. Additionally, it`s always a good idea to have a lawyer review your rental contract to ensure that it`s legally binding and protects your interests as a landlord.

In conclusion, including a laundry agreement in your rental contract can help avoid misunderstandings and conflicts over the use of the laundry facilities. By clearly outlining the rules and limitations for using the machines, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free rental experience for both you and your tenants.